I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It better be a time to really reflect and be thankful—sadly, majority of the people aren't. Even during an unusual time like this, it's best to know what you're achievements are and how far you've gotten.
As for our KCUN website, we've ventured into using a brand new, fresh commenting system. Therefore, the whole website will be under maintenance, as we move and update our comments system. Therefore, some pages may not load properly as some will be fully fixed with the new comments section. Better yet, this new comments system loads faster and doesn't lag the loading times too.
Fair to say, we're ditching the comments system from Disqus. Being it the most solid and reliable commenting system, it has affected our website's performance greatly. Worse, due to the company's unethical practices, keeping and selling personal information from its users, and thus made the decision to quit its usage. Disqus has had a wonderful and simple, easy-to-use, system since we created our own account back in September 23, 2013. As users came in and left great comments in response to our reviews and articles, and looking forward to a fresh and stronger start to 2022, house cleaning needed to be in place. With all due respects to companies big and small still using Disqus, we've made our decision and went with a more lightweight system that doesn't spy on our fans, visitors and respects their privacy.
We've got more reviews and a new poem to be posted, once the maintenance work is complete and finished! Thanks to everyone for sticking around, checking out our website and keeping up! You're all appreciated!
Think before you believe,
Kris Caballero
Website Maintenance
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