Decided to get this Covid vaccination

So naturally after some thought I opted to schedule me a appointment to get this Covid vaccination alot of ppl I know are trying to talk me outta it saying they are 💯 scared to get it thinking they'll die be honest no one knows I do however feel this vaccination can possibly be a good thing maybe it does help my concerns were always they've had years to find a cure for cancer aids and other big illnesses and yet found nothing but covid comes along and in less then a year they find a vaccination ...hmmm needless to say I do have close friends who have had the vaccinations and they had alot of health issues major ones and they are still alive and said only side effects were stiffness headache some experienced a minor fever but all n all they were fine...what's your guys take on this vaccination ? Would you get it ???? 

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Meadow Magenta

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I'm 100% going to get the vaccine as soon as it comes out. I totally get where you're coming from where some diseases haven't been cured as fast as this vaccine was made, which is pretty weird, but I think that might be because this isn't a COVID cure, it's a vaccine. It's very hard to vaccinate against cancer as cancer is made by your own cells when there are mistakes as they replicate themselves (and accidentally make a cell with no telomeres.) I think preventing a foreign body from making you really sick must be a lot simpler than finding a way to prevent your cells from making mistakes.

Part of me is really scared to trust a random large corporation, but I think that taking a bit of a risk on it is better than standing by as other people die or get permanently affected with lung issues.

Hope this helps you make up your mind!

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It does it truly does I struggled with loss due to covid and my heart still is broken deeply however I know somehow someway this vaccination may actually help us all I'm scheduled march 15 th at 11 am for the first shot I'm scared asf but in my heart I do believe I'm making the right choice.... blessings to you and yours thank you so much for commenting

by Joey Morales ( skittlez); ; Report

Thank you for the blessings, and may they be returned. I hope the loss becomes easier to bear soon. Thanks for getting vaccinated

by Meadow Magenta; ; Report