every day is pretty much the same.
when everything is shut down, no where interesting to go,
no concerts, no renaissance festival, no expos, no comic con.
my day is cleaning, gaming and drinking.
every now and then a DIY or a painting to mix up the never ending
run on days of a pandemic.
today i had the responsibility of taking my niece to
a dentist appointment. instead of sitting around in some smelly
waiting room or passing time on the phone in my car i took a trip
to the 99cent only store.
im sure like many ppl in the time i still have my
christmas tree up. i figured i could just turn it in to a holiday tree.
give me something to do every other month or so.
picked up some ribbon, sequins covered eggs, and a bunny shaped reef.
now i have an easter tree.
boring yes. enjoy.
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