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Category: Life

Your first spell: Protection - Witch

The first thing you should do as a beginner, aside from research, research, and research.
You’re ready to get into spells, that’s wonderful! However, you’re unsure where to begin.

My first suggestion is protection spells. Get comfortable with protecting yourself, your friends, family, your house, your common area, etc. Once you have the hang on doing protection spells and getting into the routine, you’ll be ready to venture out of this area.

I suggest this area first because:

1. You’ll find what works for you, whether it be candle spells, herb spells, crystals, sigils, or even a mixture of many things. This allows you to find your comfort zone before you begin to explore into other area.

2. It allows you to be protected before you begin other spells, so you’re protected if a spell happens to backfire.

3. It gets you comfortable doing spells, so you are not so nervous. Once you’re comfortable doing spells, venturing out doesn’t seem as scary. You’ll find a routine, get into your mindset, and everything will start to come naturally. 

4. Will also help you get into the mindset of creativity, thinking outside the box, rather than following exactly what the author's spell is. 


Here are a few books I recommend for beginners.
1. Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn

2. The Hearth Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

3. Protection Spells by Arin Murphy-Hiscock


These books gave me my first starting place. These may not work for you, and that’s okay! Everyone’s path is different, no two are alike and your practice is YOUR OWN. It shouldn’t look exactly like someone else’s. It’s a personal spiritual path.


There are also items you can create that give you protection, that you can carry with you aside from casting a spell, these items include:

1.       Oils

2.       Sprays

3.       Sigils

4.       Witch bells

5.       Mirrors

6.       Candles

7.       Crystals

8.       Jewelry

You could even get creative and do a bookmark, car charm, or enchant any item you hold dear with you every day.

A Few Protection Oils

1.       Frankincense

2.       Lavender

3.       Lemon

4.       Ylang Ylang

5.       Basil

6.       Black pepper

7.       Bergamot

8.       Cinnamon

9.       Juniper

A Few Protection Crystals

1.       Black Tourmaline

2.       Obsidian

3.       Amethyst

4.       Labradorite

5.       Pyrite

6.       Tiger’s Eye

7.       Smoky Quarts

Keep in mind, not all of these items will give the same property to everyone. A Tiger’s Eye may help give protection to one, while it only helps ground another.
You may find many that help protect you, or you may only find one that truly works; therefore, we practice, take notes and keep track of events during and after a spell. The same goes for herbs, oils, sigils, etc. Everyone is unique in their practice just as those items are as well

Here is an idea to starting your own spell. This of course is from my own practice, so candles, crystals or herbs may not work for your own. 
You will need to do your own grounding technique, this part of my ritual is very personal and I do not feel comfortable sharing it. I can give a few suggestions if you let me know but specifics will not be shared. 

Black Candle - Protection
Lavender Oil - Protection
Rosemary - Protection
Basil - Protection
Lavender Herb - Protection during sleep
Amethyst - Protection
Clear Quartz - Acts as a substitute, or an amplifier of intent/correspondences. 

After you ground yourself, you will rub the lavender oil over the candle and spread the mixed herbs on top. DO NOT stack the herbs on, huge amounts of herbs that catch fire are a fire and smoke hazard, you do not want a 10 inch fire on top of your candle. 
Make sure your candle is secured in a candle holder before lighting, no witch needs a fire hazard. 
When I light my candles, I meditate on my intention for as long as I need to ensure I feel my intention feels strong enough, envision your safety, your families safety, feel it in your soul, feel the warmth around your heart while you meditate on your intention. After my meditation, I circle my crystals around my candle and let it burn out. Keep a bowl of sand near by, if you need to put out the candle, douse it in sand! It works wonders. 
Never feel guilty for putting out a candle, putting it out does not lessen it's effects, after all, safety comes first! 

These are simple items that should be easy enough to find, and if not, NOT all items need to be used, substitute them or leave them out, INTENT is what is most important in your spell work. 

I would love to hear your feedback or if you need a little more help finding something that will work for you, let me know. I will help where I can or lead you to someone who will. My best form of contact is through Instagram DM’s.

As above, so below,


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