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Category: Life

Some exciting news 😁

So Tuesday morning I get a call from my younger sister (22). I knew it was odd cuz she works every business day of the week from like 8 to 3. I answered & she immediately tells me she got sent home from work cuz she puked. First thing j think is "Oh no the virus" so I asked if she thought that's what was going on. She told me she hadn't had a fever & her breathing was fine, so I ruled that out. She then said she was worried she had food poisoning from a new restaurant she had tried but that our youngest sister didn't get sick off that same food. That's when it clicked. So I asked, "Hey this is TMI but when's the last time you had sex?" She told me that she wasn't sure if she had missed her period yet but she had been feeling like she was having period cramps. I explained to her that even if she was pregnant, she might still have a little cramping at first (I experienced it when I was pregnant with my youngest). She got quiet, "So should I buy a test?"
"Well I think you should, even if it's just something to put your mind at ease. They're only a dollar. Earlier this month, I thought I missed my period & had a friend buy me one. It came back negative & then next day my period came on so maybe it'll just make your period start."
She agreed & I stayed on the phone with her as she went into Walmart & bought it, then stayed on the phone with her the whole car ride home (if I wasn't 1,000 miles away I would've been right by her side).
After she took it, I could hear the change in her voice as the second line faintly showed up. 
"Dude, is there a line on this?"
*phone pings* I open the picture. It sure did look like there was a very faint line but maybe I was getting ahead of myself.
"Let me send this to my friend, she's better at this kinda stuff."
"Wait, I'm pretty sure it's darker now."
*phone pings* It was darker.
"& This is one of the tests that's invalid after like 5/10 minutes right?"
"Yea. It hasn't even been a full 3 minutes I don't think."
"I'm pretty sure you're pregnant."
"Dude, what? I'm gonna kill this dude. What the fuck."

She has since confirmed it (she took another test this morning & it popped up real fast apparently) & I'm super excited because I never thought she'd actually have kids. She always said she wanted to be the fun, cool aunt that traveled but I'm seriously so excited. I already want to start buying baby clothes & she's only about 2 weeks to her calculations. I seriously can't wait! 😁

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