The Snake Women


I was cruising along in my jeep. I loved to drive around the Arizona desert. It was so beautiful. I was cruising around the Canyon when I got a flat tire. I got out and checked everything.

"Damn! I forgot to air up my spare!"

I checked my gear. "At least I have plenty of water and food for a week."

I spotted a nearby cave. "Well, Joe will come looking for me by morning so I better get my gear and get into that cave before I have a heat stroke."

I gathered all my gear and went into the cave. I set up my cot and lit my lantern. The shadows danced off the cave walls. I thought I heard a noise in the distance but I didn't see anything. "I better be careful, there could be rattle snakes."

I looked around and satisfied that there were no snakes, I got my health bar out and started to eat. I saw a shadow race by out of the corner of my eye. I looked and saw nothing.

"The heat is getting to me," I thought.

I heard shuffling, I turned around and I froze. I wanted to scream but all that came out was a gurgle. Standing before me was some sort of snake woman.

Her eyes glowing as she stepped closer. Another snake woman stepped out of the shadows. Her eyes glowing as she stepped closer. Another snake woman stepped out of the shadows. I turned to run from the cave and bumped into a snake man.

I fainted. When I came to, I was naked, lying on a slab. I think I was deep in the cave. Snake women were all around me. They were all naked, except for the scales. I was tied.

"Please let me go. Someone will come looking for me."

They hissed and stared awkwardly as if they didn't understand a word I said.

The man snake came closer. Looking into my eyes, I couldn't help but look back. I was hypnotized. He untied me but I had no desire to run. He lay beside me. We embraced as lovers do and made love on that cold, hard slab.

"Sam....Sam, speak to me damn it! Are you ok?"

It was Joe. I was lying in my jeep, fully clothed. I was dazed.

"Sam, you had a heat stroke, let’s get you to the hospital."

Aside from the heat stroke I was ok. I must have been dreaming the whole crazy thing! I laughed it off. Snake people? Some imagination! Three weeks went by and I started getting sick to my stomach. I thought maybe it was a relapse of the heat stroke. I went back to the doctor. She examined me and told me to come back the next day for the results. The next day I sat in her office and she looked me in the eye and said,

"You're pregnant."


© J. A. Gage 2011


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