A Soldier Carries On

Bombs exploding on the ground

Comrades screaming in pain

Fear grows of who's next

But a soldier carries on

Missed family get togethers

Missed precious moments with kids

Missed birthdays and funerals

But a soldier carries on

Battle scars weigh him down

Along with all the burden he bears

Not knowing if the next bullet will be his last

But a soldier carries on

He carries on to fight for us back home

Though he hasn't seen his own

He carries on to fight for his country

Even though the welcome home party will be short lived

PTSD, vivid nightmares, missing limbs,

But a soldier carries on

Going un-noticed except by those who knew he faught, and still fights every day,

Because even when the war is over, he's never done fighting

That's the price a soldier pays

But a soldier carries on

A Soldier dies, but his spirit carries on

A Soldier always carries on


© J. A. Gage 2018

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