A Real Man

Women should be seen, not heard?

Man thats just absurd!

A womans place is barefoot in the kitchen?

Man now I know youre trippin!

Let me make it clear

A womans place isnt to get her man another beer!

In case you didnt get the memo

Let me give you a demo

Of how I roll,

Women are the shit,

So man why you gotta hit?

Beat your woman down, put her in her place?

Call her a bitch and smack her in the face?

You got a tiny penis? You feel insecure?

Baby I got the cure!

Ill put a gun to your head,

Make you wish you were dead.

A real man NEVER beats his wife!

A real man NEVER takes another life!

A real man doesnt strike a child.

A real man doesnt act so stupid and wild.


A real man talks to GOD.


©J. A. Gage   4-15-2011

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