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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Facebook is fucked

So a few days ago one of my pictures on facebook for removed for "Being Dangerous to individuals and oranizations" context I'm black and the picture I posted was some one who was flying not only the Confederate Battle flag but also the Nazi flag, Blue Lives matter flag, a gay pride flag, a black lives matter flag, Mexico Flag, weed flag etc. the context was Hey this person don't seem to know what they support it was for the lolz.

Problem I have is I posted this back in Oct 2018. and facebook retroactively flagged me for it. now I cant stream or advertise for 30 days on my Stream and Art Page.

I can't fucking stand this because is now my pages are at risk of deletion for post I made in the past. is my channel a ticking timebomb for facebook to retroactively flag me and be like OP! I EVEN THOUGH THIS WAS OK 7 YEARS AGO ITS NOT OK NOW SO WE GONNA FLAG YOU EVEN THOUGH THIS ISNT SOMETHING YOU POSTED TODAY.

Heres the worst part. because of that Facebook has killed my reach to the point almost no one sees my post now and I dont get notifications for when someone responds to one of my post thats not on my page. if someone comments likes one of my post I no longer get notifications. I post stuff and Literally one 2 people see it and thats it where like this time last week a post of mines would get seen by at least 40 people.

Fuck facebook and I hope I can get my friends over to SpaceHey soon so I can abandon that piece of shit creepy invasive platform.

0 Kudos


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