You're in for a ride...

If you have an interest in the bizarre well buckle up because my dreams are nothing but. No, I don't have supernatural dreams where I somewhat predict an event in some aspect of my life nor are they (at least in m opinion) a window to my inner child/trauma and/or soul (if they are I should be deeply concerned for my psyche.

I have the types of dreams where I usually live out a warped and terrifying version of reality.
Let me give you an example using my earliest remembered dream. I am certain I had this dream because of some anxiety I had watching my first tornado from afar at the impressionable age of 6, growing up in Texas you soon learn that tornadoes are more of a spectacle and less of an emergency (that is unless you find yourself living in a single-wide trailer). I remember learning that lesson and still being terrified like any rational 6 years old would.

The only real snippets I remember from it are that my dad and older brother turned into giants and held me in their huge hands while a disgustingly green tornado loomed in the background miles away from us, and yet the wind was still blowing everything away in sight and bending any plant life to its side. Then I wake up.

Though now that I am reading this my head it does seem that that specific dream did correlate to my reality at the time and the anxiety that I felt. Let's try my second earliest dream at age 10. We had moved twice at this point of my life so I was in a new school, new frenemies, new challenges, etc.

All I remember from this one was that I was back at my first and true childhood home and that I had a pet penguin (an Emperor to be exact, I was kind of obsessed with penguins at the time), and I took a teacup trolley with him around that block (loading station was in the back alley and it just circled the house). In the other teacups were girls from my elementary school at the time laughing and gossiping, not paying me any attention as most anyone did back then, while me and this nearly towering bird just sat in solitude next to each other. When the train came back around finally me and the bird were the only ones to exit, we took a few steps back towards my yard when he stumbled and fell into a raging anthill being immediately sucked of his life, his flesh, and bone until not even a corpse a before me. I wake up in tears.

Draw whatever conclusions you'd like, but I dare not share anymore lest I run out of dreams I can recall. I look forward to any comments and hope that the little bits I can share add something to your day.

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