A Dream

One night I had a dream I was all alone.
Down came a light and two road were shown.
One was dark and rocky, while the other was plain.
I chose the dark and rocky when it began to rain.

An angel came down and protected me from harm.
This angel was my good luck charm.
I knelt and prayed, and then the angel showed me the right way.

So many times I chose the wrong path,
But Jesus saves me from God's wrath.
Now I follow Him
And my life doesn't seem so dim.

Brother's, sister's dear,
The Lord's way is so clear.
Change the way you live
And instead of always receiving, how about give?

One night I had a dream I was all alone
Down came a light and two roads were shown.
One was dark and rocky, while the other was plain,
I chose the plain.

© J. A. Gage 1998

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