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Category: Life


”Comparison is the thief of joy.”

-President Theodore Roosevelt.

When we were young and even before we knew how to form full sentences if we saw a toy that we wanted in the hands of another, we would have a tantrum. If we as teens noticed someone had the latest fashion accessories, that were nicer, prettier and better than ours, we would try and convince our parents to get them for us. If we were lucky enough to actually get them to give into our antics, by that time it would already be “out of style” and we were on to the next “in” item. As adults these “things” change. They are no longer items like: a designer purse, or a really trendy jacket, or even the cool new game everyone is getting. No, now it’s things like: You see someone gets a boyfriend or girlfriend and now, you feel lonelier than usual. Or perhaps someone gets that promotion that you wanted and now, you feel as though you’re not in the right place that you should be because well, you’re getting older and your supposed to be in a certain position on your career timeline. Friends start getting married and you’re not even close to being there. And let’s say that, you find someone and you do get married. Well by that time, your friends are already on a second child. It’s that constant feeling of being behind in life. The sad fact is, someone will always be ahead of you. The thing we have to decide is what kind of “ahead” do you think really matters? In other words: someone could be having a child but you’re content and happy in your marriage. So does their “ahead” really matter? Recognizing that there are two different timelines for your life. Society’s and your own. Society says go to college, get a degree, work a 9-5 and find someone to have kids with and settle down. Your timeline may align with that, or yours may be the complete opposite but the point is following your own is most important because you are the one that has to live your life. I get it though. It can be disappointing watching people around you do “better” in life and that they get to experience the very things you are striving for. But, we can’t let that rob us of the experiences we are living through right now. You could be living the very life that someone else longs for. Remember this when you start to feel down on yourself. 

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