♡︎maggie♡︎'s profile picture

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Category: Life

secret MySpace memories

I made a MySpace in 6th grade and had it for maybe a year and a half until my very strict, Catholic mom saw it (I accidentally left it up on the Family Computer) and freaked out haha. I had a very moody, black and white, high-angle photo (ofc). My quote at the time was an Arcade Fire lyric about unmarked graves or something lmao and I had a yeah yeah yeahs song playing. So, ya, my mom found it and was scandalized by how “mature” I was trying to look in my photo and that I seemed p morbid (I was a very chipper kid irl!). She made me delete it in front of her ;_; I then just made a LiveJournal, ha. Anyway, I am very delighted to have “MySpace” back now as an old lady (by TikTok standards)! Did anyone else have a secret MySpace or have a funny memory? 

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Alt Coding Dummy

Alt Coding Dummy's profile picture

I didn't grow up in the time of myspace but I just made my acc on year and I'm in 6th grade-📸

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Pepperonin's profile picture

Yes! I wasn't allowed to have a Myspace either and to be sure I didn't have one my parents made one specifically just to check and see if I had one behind their backs... I made the account blocked them and all our family friends while they were at work lol

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hahahaha omg that's great

by ♡︎maggie♡︎; ; Report

They were playing 3D chess but I was playing 5D chess lmao xD

by Pepperonin; ; Report


jessthebest(:'s profile picture

To the comment below me...I can't believe how much I can relate to that story LMAO. Man, it's crazy getting to reminisce about that time in this way right now.

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Toneia's profile picture

Awwww, that's so sad. I'm sorry to hear that!! I was able to have a page at a young age, because knowing how to code was seen as smart in my family. I had a really fun page and it was really cute and designed very well, way more than my page now. I forgot everything now. I use to play Runescape, World of Warcraft, Toon Town and Gaiaonline and so my game friends were the people I had as friends on Myspace. I had so much fun. I had a secret online boyfriend on Runescape and I added him to Myspace and I dated him on the game for several month, anyways I broke up with him because I never really liked him, I just wanted to seem cool on the game. I never talked to him on the phone or any guy on the phone, but my female game friends and I would talk on a 4 way all the time. That's when the girls I would talk to on the phone found out his Myspace was fake and I had been catfished and I was so embarrassed, because he was really ugly when he started putting up his real photos. Anyways our pretend daughter on the game ended up dating him after everything was revealed and even though I didn't like him and had been catfished, I still remember crying and being heartbroken lmaooo. Wow, my little pretend gamer relationship was a whole rollercoaster.

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harlan's profile picture

My friend's stepdad looked and acted exactly like Red Forman except for some reason Red would scold my friend by commenting on his MySpace? Like he would let him know he was grounded using myspace. I guess this is before smartphones so maybe it made sense. I remember once he had left a comment that his myspace friends were bad influences and he needed to get better friends like "Marlin." It hurt that Red didn't remember my name but I appreciated the compliment nonetheless.

I just remembered another story but it is very childish... my brother (13 y/o at the time) left his profile logged in. Wanting to impress my friends by _pranking_ my brother I friend requested the new (and only) gay club in town. They put him as their top friend until they shut down. I was so jealous... everyone thought it was so cool.

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