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Category: SpaceHey

Helpful tip for editing your page!

If anyone needs any help with some of the stuff I mentioned here, leave a comment and I could probably be of assistance! I'm not an expert on this stuff, I took some web design classes in high school though, and managed to retain most of the information. (Also, sorry for bad grammar and typos, I just kinda rushed writing this lol)

First, highlight the area you want to edit and click inspect

You can see the code on the right side of your screen now. If you hover over all the tags, they will highlight what they edit on the screen. In this instance, we want the "details" tag. The "<p>" tag is just for the text we highlighted.

Now, if you look in the bottom right you can see all of the CSS for the tag that you selected and everything related to it. This is what we're really here for! :) In our case, ".general-about .details {}" is going to be how we edit our section that we want to edit.

For the final step, we will go to edit our profle and type our css code into a style tag in our about me. (Style tags must open and close like this: <style></style>). I decided to do something as simple as changing the color of my text to blue. In order to know what css attributes to use to do what you want I recommend a site that goes through them all and what they do. (The one I gravitate towards is w3schools)

After that, all you have to do is click save all at the top. And it should work. Here's how mine turned out:

P.S. If you put any code in " * {}" it will apply to the entire page! I wouldn't recommend doing anything major though. I did it for my font, but wouldn't do it for font size because that could mess with other stuff I have.

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melissa♡'s profile picture

good to know! thanks for sharing ♡

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