I will try try to keep this updated as it changes and such
The basics of trans, gay, minor. I have diagnosed ADHD and my mother is currently trying to get me an Autism screening (so I’m not diagnosed but multiple people in my life have recommended me getting a diagnosis). I make jokes and if any of them are offensive to you please tell me and I’ll shut up! I don’t use tone tags but if you’d prefer me to in our conversations I will gladly. I am scatterbrained and forgetful, I have my own life and struggles! With that being said I won’t always respond right away! I might not be on for days or weeks and I would rather not be pressured into being online at specific times. !! Please don’t talk about sh or su!cide to me unless having asked before if Im okay with it and I have agreed to it!! Ive been online and such since I was 9, being 10-12 in 2020-2022 was a wild ride. That’s all that needs to be said.
No 18+ please! The basic of no homophobic, transphobic, ableist, racist, misogynistic, ect. I personally am not a furry or therian (i don’t know much about or understand therians and Im fine with that) but no anti’s of those want to know why? Because we don’t need to be unreasonable assholes to other people !!! If you romanticize or glorify sh, su!cide, 🍇, ed, or abuse do not interact with me. If you’re a comshipper or dark shipper DNI, even if it’s used as a coping mechanism i understand that but wouldn’t like to be around it. Self diagnosers who do it simply for aesthetic or little to no research. Ive head experiences with people like such and would rather not again. If you’ve done proper research and people in your life agree Thats different, I understand lack of resources, supportive guardians, ect. But Becky, just because you like your jc penny, gel pen set arranged in rainbow order that doesn’t automatically make you have OCD, there’s more to that disorder that interferes with people’s lives <333

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