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Category: SpaceHey

Young People.....Listen up.

Check it out. Myspace's golden years was from 2003 to roughly 2008/2009. So for me I was in my mid to late 20's. 

I've been told by a number of people that are currently in the 20-25 age group saying I'm too old to be on here. Um, what? This site is a nostalgia trip for my age group who actually used Myspace when it was all in its glory. The people saying I'm too old were like 12/13 when Myspace was popping. Don't act like you even knew what Myspace was.

I'm not saying Spacehey should ONLY be for us Gen X and Early Millennials. But understand that Myspace was a part of our youth, so you're going to see an influx of people who are now in their late-30's + joining.  Spacehey is for everyone. Let us "old people" enjoy the nostalgia and not have to wait 15 minutes for pages to load because of everyone's Blingee shit  :D

That is all. Please tip your bartender.

10 Kudos


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Samuel Travis

Samuel Travis's profile picture

I was a teenager in the 2000s and I used MySpace back in 2007. now I'm in my 30s.

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Karoline Michelle ♥

Karoline Michelle ♥'s profile picture

Lmao I had a Millenial Sister and I'm in between the Late Millenial Early Gen Z so I was around for the Myspace era, moved to Facebook but rejoiced when I saw this site.

I was always wishing that MSN was still around. I loved it so much!

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Izaya Orihara

Izaya Orihara's profile picture

Louder for the kids in the back that are too young to be on the internet in general.

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Dem 14 year olds on here. Cringe as all hell.

by Carlpocalypse; ; Report

I saw one profile claiming to be eleven and they were overly sexual all over their page; it was my first block on the site.

by Izaya Orihara; ; Report

Ugh. So much ugh

by Carlpocalypse; ; Report