A day in my life #2
Guess who started her day at 10am today ? ;) ME, but i was as tired as if i woke up at 5...ANYWAYS, today we had an american exchange student in our class, she was really funny but i had like only 10 minutes to talk to her before i had to go eat, i wish i could have talked a bit more with her i love having conversations with people that actually speaks english !
Anyways today i ate alone once again, it was rice with chicken, not very good...i should have took the bus to join my best friend and eat with her but i didn't know she had a free period too so....
When i went out the cafeteria there was these two guys blocking the way, so i told them "excuse me" nicely and when i passed them, one guy with a green hoodie told me "yea you better be, you better be" in such a rude way, i just turned around and shoot him a glare but internally i was so mad that i was calling him all different names i could find, i should have cursed at him im such a looser. rude people like that piss me so much off like that's crazy no one ever taught them respect or what ??????
Then the day went like always. during one class we had a quiz about how to drive and stuff but me i already have my "licence" so i said "yea that's easy" i ended up having a score of 0 XDDDD
when i came back home, the clothes i ordered a week ago were here !!!!! i was so happy ! do you guys want a haul ? the clothes are actually so cool it's just sad that it's still too cold out here to wear them yet :(
I have REALLY cool stuff to talk about guys but i don't want to tell them yet that's why im going slow on here, i want to know if some people are actually reading this mini blog xD
Song of the day : Pretend - Alex g
(if anyone read this pls comment, like this i know im actually not alone :(..)
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