(This is meant to be a blog for the people who are intrested in starting there own mp3 library. I'll go over the reason as to why you would wan't to start one and how. This is going to be a simple blog as there isn't much to say about it ANYWAY.) THIS IS A ALL my opinion btw pls dont get mad at me thx
also enjoy the silence

So why are you here? Music right? You're tired of Spotify's bullshit and you want to ditch it once and for good. But how? You've used it for more then a decade at this point.. you've become to dependent on it....
But should you? You know you gotta think about that. While spotify is kinda shady and honestly insufferable at times you can still make do with for the rest of time. And if not you can just use another streaming service or youtube even!
So here are some reasons as to why one shall go down this path of owning music:
- Rebellious - unabomer or some who like y2k so much
- Niche - you're gifted in the fact that the music you like is super duper obscure and it's not on any streaming service (not even youtube if you're gifted enough)
- Audiophiles - you like you're music TOP NOTCH anything below 320 kps mp3s and you're gonna wan't to rip you're ears out
- Broke - Ahoy wanna sail the seven seas with me?
If you fit in any of these categories (esp the last one) then you would loooooooooove to start you're mp3 library! (Now ofc this is just what I think you don't need to fit any of these to start you're own!) If you don't fit in any of these then you probably don't much care of where you're music is coming from because you have like what? A faimly? A job? Ha what a joke.
But how you get started?
So what you wanna do? Simple! You buy you're music! Buying for music nowadays may be a foreign concept for some and I get it. Eve r since the internet you dont need to spend a single penny for you ears to get that sweet sweet noise in you're ears. Yum Yum!
First I'd like you to look at youre spotify (or any other streaming service) library and think to youself 'do i really like this'. If you wan't to start buying you're music then you might wan't to get intimate with it as you know. It's a definitive purchase. And I don't think that album you saved 2 years ago with the hope of one day finally listening to it will be a good purchase. I fell like it's a good way to realise what you really like and what you just "like". Be true to yourself (this is talkin in experience to my knowledge im prob the only one with this problem)
. You should make a list of that before anything really.
Yea once you're done with you're list of albums and music you can't live without you can finally start buying stuff! What to do now? You go buy stuff! You have 2 options (the 3rd is hidden ):
1 you buy it physically and rip the album (or use a cd player if you want to feel classy)
2 you buy your music online to get the file asap!
If you wan't to go down the first path you may need to go into a deeper rabithole (depending on your music taste ofc).
Note: im not gonna talk abt the first option as i dont do that i feel like cd's while being super duper dope and cool and awesome and sexy are a worse option then what youd get with just the files. But for those who dont know what ripping is. Its just the act of taking what the cd has (being music in this example) and simply copies them onto you're pc! you should look into it as it's deeper then that
Anyway the second path. I simply just use bandcamp for most of my needs. I know it takes a 15% cut of artists revenue so whenever i can i buy the album from the artist's site directly or pre-order it. It's rather simple but considering that you won't just listen to one artist all the time you may need to be more stratigic as to not spend too much cash then its necessary but also support your artist. Sometimes its cheaper sometimes it not.. but what if you're broke...
The 3rd path
So what about that. If you're broke then you're ass cant afford that and thats understandable so there I dedicate this section for you personally beacuse I really like you .
This is an abosolute last resort or simply the artist is a piece of shit. You may guess what this is but.... It's about piracy. Let me lay some ground rules
Piracy is copyright infringement which is ilegal in most countires so no links or names will be droped and therefore you must shall not disobey some sacred rules.
- absolute last resort - if you cant find it anywhere online or it's 2 kidneys on ebay u will find it on some special sites
- sharing is caring - always share if you want to go down this path
Anyway the rest is mostly up to you remember if it sounds too good to be true the it probably is.
In the end why did I do this. I started my mp3 library like 5 months ago and it helped me appreciate music so much more. I truly started to cherish some albums and fell in love with some genres that I never tought I'd enjoy. Agian all of this is up to you but here are some ending tips I'd suggest:
- make a Last.fm if you haven't
- experminet with different media players
- sharing is always nice!
- and your phone is the perfect music player (audio files arent that big my library up to this point is around 12 gigs and i have around 62 albums, it doesnt have to be this big i just accidentally downloaded HUGE hi-res files of the doom etenral album thats like 3 gigs)
- stay frosty
Good luck on your journey!
Displaying 5 of 5 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
this blog sucks actually
internet archive community audio has a ton of albums if you dont mind having to look for them
I think that's the first option u should check if u ever want free music
but it doesn't have everything
by Bleemie; ; Report
To be fair, artists hardly make any money from album or song sales unless they're independent and aren't signed to a record label (and with streaming, artists earn even less than with music sales), which means piracy is generally the morally correct thing to do. They actually make most of their money from selling their merchandise.
But other than that, you're pretty spot on. And if you wanna take it another step further, you can even transfer copies of your downloaded songs from your computer to an MP3 player and/or burn them onto blank CDs (I do both of these via Windows Media Player 12).
I mean going that extra steps seems kinda unnecessary to me
modern phones are like the best mp3 players
just copy the music from ur computer get musicolet and ur set
the only reason for burning are for playlists but considering ur buy ur albums and eps u prob don't listen to playlists
by Bleemie; ; Report
mp3 librarys>>>>>>>>
hey hottie