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Category: Life

23.03.25 [12:43]

hi guys:33 

my life havent been very exciting these past few days. this month feels like a blur. good things obviously happened (i think? i dont remember) mostly becausee of my bf:3

the main reason im writing this is because im very bored since the love of my life cant play overwatch with me rn. i dont blame him though!!! even though i was very very very excited for this goddamn i wanna hear his voice. hi if you're reading this!!

school is killing me rn!!! spring break just started but my bitch of a teacher keeps reminding me of this super important project and it's so fucking stressul idk she legit gave me ptsd i cant stand her. ive been procrastinating for 2 weeks and she's soooo pissed at me but i cant do anything. i'll either kill myself or switch schools idk. i cant bring myself to do any work but this *feeling* is eating me alive rn im terrified lowkey, can't spend a second of my life without smth playing in the background, silence is DEADLY for me i get so so so scared. anyways i played 6 rounds of overwatch (WITHOUT my boyfriend) and it kinda sucked but i was good like twice. also i stole my sister's kinopoisk subscription and for these past two weeks ive been consuming abnormal amounts of movies and tv shows. my favorites so far are young sheldon, city of god andddd i cant remember goddamn my memory is so bad. maybe i will go for a walk today, buy myself a treat or something. also i ordered kt tape a while ago and it came like 4 days ago i gotta get it! 

i wonder if i'll get better soon i really really should work or else i'm dead. anyways im also planning to buy some beads to make bracelets!!! i wanna match with my bf:3 you have no idea he's soooo cool and fun and pretty and helpful and understanding. ive said it million times already but if he wasn't here i'd be DEAD. anyways im yearning rn long distance SUCKS thank you god for making the love of my life live so far away from me. we're like 8000km away from eachother it SUCKS. i need him. 

okay i think im done for now byebye:)))

2 Kudos


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