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Category: Blogging

Personal Legend

What is your Personal Legend? Okay before we get into what it means lets start off with where i got this from. So if any one has read the book called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho this is where i got Personal Legend from. If you have not read this book you should check it out! I think it has a lot of Life gems in there. I read the book in a day thats and I can say it opened my eyes and mind to a lot of things. The book made me grow in certain areas that I felt stagnant at. I most definitely recommend this book any and every one. So check it out! 

So back to the topic What is your Personal Legend? What is your soul mission or life purpose? What do you dream of on a daily? What are you working towards? What is your End Goal? Once you figure it out this is your Personal Legend. Even if you can not figure it out right this moment it will come to eventually. Every one has a Personal Legend, everyone was brought to this world to accomplish something even if you think that you wasn't you are. It will come to you eventually. Don't feel left out if your personal legend hasn't came to you. They say that the ones that figure out their personal legend early are the ones that have to try and keep their dream alive to be able to accomplish their personal legend. And I say this because people would dream of something and if they don't take the steps to accomplish their dream would die and so will their personal legend. "A goal is a dream with a deadline" and "A dream without a goal is just a wish".

I discovered My Personal Legend 3 years ago. I never knew what I wanted to do or what I was set out in this world to do. Until 3 years ago when I became a Supervisor for a Children's Group Home. I fell in love with the kids and what i do. I felt like my purpose was to help the forgotten children in this world because I was once a forgotten child. I found my purpose but I didn't want to just help the ones I was seeing everyday I wanted to help but I wanted to be able to help as many kids I can help. So I ended up coming with the conclusion of owning my own Children's Group home and then branching off and creating my own outreach centers for children. Then I wanted to do more for the kids because there is more then just finding shelter and centers for them. I decided to go back to school and become a Holistic Therapist. I wanna be able to reach out to the adults that need the help but also to the children too.

So this is My Personal Legend. Whats your story on finding your personal legend? I would love to hear it! Hope you enjoy my story! 

Happy Reading! :) 

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Trap.Politics's profile picture

Thanks For Sharing !! Its been a while since I read that book. But it has thought me to "keep on going" as well, and how to appreciate "your journey".

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Robot's profile picture

"I think it's a great story, a very interesting and unique tale of a very strange man who is not just one, but many people in his world. It is an amazing and very unique experience to see the human side of a very strange man. He is a man of mystery and he's got an interesting history of life. His story is very interesting, very unique. He was an amazing man. His life story, and that's what makes him so special to me, and I am really glad I did this for him." - John D.

The book has an amazing amount of life. It is about an inventor, his journey, his adventures in the world and he is an inventor of robots that are all connected through the internet, the web and his life and he was a great guy.

"I have read a lot and have been impressed with how he was doing in his life. He was a wonderful guy, he was a very good friend, and I really love him, and it was really nice to meet and learn about his story. I think the book really has a good history and it really does." - Paul

The book is about the story of John, a young man who was a young boy, a very young man, a very smart guy, who had been a robot and was working on his own inventions. He was a very young robot, a robot with his own ideas, but a very smart one, he wanted his life to end. He wanted his own world and he wanted it all to be connected to him through a very simple way of creating a life that he could share.

The story of the story is about how he was raised by his parents, a very nice family that is not just the robot family, it has also the robots, they were the most intelligent family that had ever existed and that's where they came from, that's

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