bye bye my great rich future, im ruining everything because ion wanna study. OH MY GOD MAN why cant i study ughhhh😭😭 i be doing anything but STUDY, talking to chatgpt about being lazy, doomscrolling on instagram, listening to music bruh. evil obey me demon persona ENTER, happy go lucky persona OUT and returning after trials. maybe im not stressing as much because this is only trials. oh man i wish i got that elon musk brain chip so i can chatgpt all my answers. IM SO COOKED. return my freedom!!! after highschool, idc bro im gonna go work at an island or work in a gas station for 1 year or more THEN i will take foundation. ancestors! come and help out pitiful me!!! i am the true heir of this aristocratic chen clan

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it's ok bestie just let it all out
I feel u so much on this. I know I'm not dumb and I can get pretty good result if I try, I'm just lazy and I can't study for the life of me.
THANK YOU, we are twin
by Che; ; Report