Hi! This is my first time doing a formal game review, but I'll probably update this as I get more into the game!
This post may contain mentions of nsfw, dr&gs, and $elf harm and depression.
I initially bought this game because one of my ex-SpaceHey friends recommended it to me. I can no longer find their profile.. RIP random friend!! :( Anyway, I got the game during the Steam Spring Sale that recently ended. I think it’s 10-15$, but I bought it for 5$ USD.
I thought initially the game is so nice visually, as pixel art is a really effective way to match Ame’s “kawaiiangel” persona and character ^^. The menus are very nice and interactive as well, and both Ame and Kangel are so cute to look at! I also love P-Chan stickers, the sad cat one is especially cute to me !
Character Designs:
I love Kangel and Ame both. The way they’re the opposite (cute, angel, pastel hair, kawaii fashion v.s. Dark lolita, dark hair, red and black) is obviously a very big part of the visual storytelling as well.
Characters and Story:
The story is the best part of this visual novel. Kangel is so wholesome, until she’s not. People often believe that Kangel is crazy, delusional and mentally ill. She is, but the game almost tricks the player into relieving responsibility until some messages warning P-Chan (the player) about how Kangel is unsure if the player is making good decisions on her behalf brings the player back into the game. As you continue to push Kangel into doing drugs, streaming more, and do vanity searches online, she becomes more and more unstable. Kangel is like putty in your hands, and the game hands off the responsibility to you to either destroy her or take care of her.
A big aspect of the game I like is how realistic Kangel is. The way she talks, dresses, and looks mirrors that of a modern teenager like me, but she’s a fully grown (unemployed) adult. This is the reality for a lot of young otakus/mentally ill girls such as Tomoko from the Watemote anime. I love the way she texts as well, ranting about things she finds interesting ^^. It reminds me of how one of my online friends talks. (Now that I think about it, he was very into NSO as well so it’s no coincidence!) She’s funny and cute.. But also needy so she’ll text you often on JINE, and if you dont respond/ignore her the game will end.
Game mechanics:
Super fun game! Its easily repeatable as you get a small tutorial that helps you discover new endings, mechanics such as unlocking video items, etc. the apps/interactions are also very smooth as it makes Kangels life like a game for the P-Chan to play, dictating all of her choices through a screen.
Overall: 10/10!
I really love the game and the character Kangel.
I think she’s a very good twist on a super realistic streamer that knows what she’s doing is partially disingenuous and for the money/attention. I’ve gotten so obsessed with this game that I even made my PC setup like NSO! I’ll put the link below but unfortunately it’s only for Windows users.
Some disclaimers:
Some endings have disturbing topics such as suicide, self-harm, murder (?). There is a sex button that triggers ideas for sex streams, and theres an option for Kangel to do drugs such as LSD, weed, and multiple pills. Not only that but if you get Kangel too stressed she will urge you to cut her wrists. If any of these topics disturb you I recommend you don’t play the game or try to avoid those mechanics. (medicine, hang out, etc)
Thanks for reading my review ~!
- Cupid

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