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Category: Life

talking about my day as usual (yapping)

hiiii angels!!! today I was able to trim my side bangs they look so much cuter now! today was a great day except the fire that happened across the street I hope there okay! sent a prayer to them and a post card to get better soon nobody never saw who the owners were before so it was weird seeing them for the first time, but they were really sweet! they had a little kid she was a girl, and she was about 8 years old... she told me she liked hello kitty so I bought her a hello kitty blanket she loved it!! I remember being her age she was so cute though! I'm going to go to hobby lobby tomorrow to grab lace because I want to put it around the TV trim! anywy i have to go love you angles !

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Jun's profile picture

Tots cool blog waaaay better than my day, literally did nothing today and im wondering if i should go to practice tomorrow (i do martial arts) cus im on my period so doing high kicks and stuff is totally uncomfy and also cute layout!

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oo I've always wanted to do martiel arts!! and thank you!!!!

by luluangel; ; Report