thrift, or diy clothes you already own, you can find a lot of ideas and tutorials on pinterest. you can decorate your things with pins, that you either make with bottle caps or with hot glue and metal/cardboard or buy em from small shops, also decorate with tabs, safety pins, maybe invest in paint for fabric or buy patches
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thrift, or diy clothes you already own, you can find a lot of ideas and tutorials on pinterest. you can decorate your things with pins, that you either make with bottle caps or with hot glue and metal/cardboard or buy em from small shops, also decorate with tabs, safety pins, maybe invest in paint for fabric or buy patches
by xX_Jaylix_Xx; ; Report
thrifting, theres some stores where they have containers full of clothes, so if youre not germophobic i suggest that!!
by xX_Jaylix_Xx; ; Report
Hmmm ik Amazon has some pretty decent emo clothes..? And if ur not boycotting MAYBE H&M?
they want emo clothes, not poser clothes
by nabinnabito; ; Report
by PeperoniFacedCircus; ; Report