we lived with a demon, and it still likes to come around. thoughts???

TW: Ideations mention

So I live in New Orleans. We live in an apartment building that is close to a very spiritual body of water and a cemetery (there are cemeteries literally everywhere here) so I expected some paranormal stuff to happen. What I didn't expect was to move in and be roommates with a demon (literally, we moved into its' home/nest, or the apartment next to its home/nest). 

It started very slowly. Shadow figures, weird things like electronics pausing or playing by themselves, our Alexa (lovingly referred to as Jeff Bezos' bitch) playing music when neither of us were even in the bedroom, and the very nice feeling of being stalked. It legit felt like we had an extra pair of eyes on us all the time. At first, it was only in the front rooms. Then it started coming into the kitchen, and then the bathroom. We figured it was a demon once it started coming into the bathroom and the bedroom, as human spirits can't do that, but we weren't sure yet. Then came the voices, specifically at night. Some were psychic imprints, some were genuine ghosts/human spirits, but some were not. Specifically, the little girl who came and messed with me at night - turning my volume to 100 at an impossible speed, throwing my phone around when I couldn't have possibly hit it, tugging on the blanket, giggling (incredibly fucking creepily), and finally and most horrifyingly, taking the voice of my then 12-year-old sister. 

The Man, as we called him, was my least favorite 'visitor'. He either whispered or screamed and liked to use my name a lot. He always stood in the darkest corner of the room, but we could both see him. This is when my fiancee started waking up at night and responding to him, confusing it for me speaking. He liked to peer around the living room doorway's corner at the couch at us, and we both started feeling his presence constantly. He left scratches on my fiancee and played peekaboo with me as a scare tactic, along with sounding off lots of disembodied footsteps running right at me (one of my biggest fears). Physical issues with her, psychological with me. We started fighting almost nonstop, we were both exhausted, and it ramped up certain ideations for me to extreme levels. We spoke to some people known in NOLA to deal and help with demonic entities and they cleansed the house after we tried a cleansing ourselves. During that cleansing, fiancee started acting a bit weird and asked me to take a picture of her face, saying she didn't feel right. She didn't look right at all - sickly pale, genuinely black eyes, huge eye bags, and pale lips. In the reflection of the TV behind her, we caught the face of the demon. That convinced them we weren't lying. They couldn't get him out - he lived there. It was in fact his home/nest.

 Our breaking points came on the same day. During the day while she was at work, it was following me around and running at me as I cleaned. It caused many an anxiety attack that day. First, its head popped up above the shower curtain and scared the shit out of me. Eventually, I heard it run from the bathroom, so I went back in there. It then decided to round the living room doorway and CRAWL at me while I was cleaning the toilet. I slammed the bathroom door and cried for about 30 minutes before I called my girl. When she came home, it started to mess with her as well, but not to any extremes. However, that night, we lost power (management sucks ass about taking care of the building so a simple thunderstorm took power out until the morning), and it found the perfect time to terrorize us. We both knew it was already watching us right as the power went out and once it was dark we both heard the hissing and growling coming from the doorway. We were both terrified, and we actually decided to get a hotel room that night. As we were walking to the bedroom with our phone flashlights, she started to feel like she was choking and was having a very hard time breathing. I thought it was asthma, but she pushed through it and when we packed and got out of the apartment, she was instantly able to breathe in the main hallway. That night at the hotel, she had 

That unit happened to be infested with black mold after a pipe burst 2 floors above us, so we had to move upstairs which was another added stressor and it's fuckin hot up here. It's also a shitty unit. The demon took a while to find us and a mimic came and tried to attach while the demon was still fucking around with his other victims in the complex (I once walked down our hallway and every single apartment was filled with people screaming at each other in fights. I could excuse up to 3 as coincidence, but every single unit when there are 16 units on each wing?). 

It's back up here, but it's weaker. It's still scary as hell (when I had to sleep on an air mattress it was shaking it so hard I thought NOLA had its' first earthquake, it has climbed on our actual bed and left imprints in the blankets, it still growls and hisses almost constantly, it has left scratches on both of us, it has shown itself and still does the shit with the footsteps) but it's weaker. We have protected ourselves with cleansing, praying to our deities, crystals, intentions, and rituals that keep it from the bedroom's threshold. It does still hang out in the bathroom and now likes to try and throw the shower curtain at us. We're considering calling in more help since we no longer live in its home to keep him away and out. 

This got so long but man, this demon is very active and honestly an asshole. So yeah, that's the reason I had to not be agnostic - if one exists, logic says the other has to. Or, I'm crazy. Either way, the pictures all speak for themselves and this has been one of the worst years of our lives. We can't wait to get the hell out of here (pun intended).

3 Kudos


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holdmylove's profile picture

this cant be real omg

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Elislulii's profile picture

This is actually crazy, idk if u put any photos that I can't see bc in on my phone lmfao. But have u tried contacting a medium? Or a more powerful person to do a ritual cleansing, I know u mentioned u did cleanse ur apartment but it still came after u guys, I really hope u are okay! I'd try putting salt at the window if u ddjt already do it and at the door, idk which kind of salt bc I'm a dumbass and I forgot but I really hope u guys stay safe and this demon entity is definitely misogynistic!

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Thank you for the read. Also, we did have some very powerful mediums come and bless/cleanse the apartment downstairs. It came back a week later unfortunately lmao. We have black tourmaline pieces above every door in the apartment and focused specifically on the crossroad in the hallway. We did have salt downstairs but decided not to up here, but we may put it back lmao.
Thanks again!

by Lo; ; Report