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Category: Blogging

Can’t sleep

They need to make a "shit post" category cause that’s all I do. ANYWAY, I can’t sleep so just a rant about HOW VIKTOR WAS LITERALLY YEARNING SO HARD LIKE WHEN HE LEFT AFTER BEJNG BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE HE SAID "our paths diverged long ago, it was…affection" YOU CANT TELL ME HE DIDNT JUST GO THROUGH A SITUATIONSHIP AND DECIDED TO END IT AFTER THAT. HE WANTED THAT COOKIE BADDDD.VIKTOR I COULD TREAT YOU BETTER I PROMISEEEEEEE🙏. I also don’t understand the hate for Mel? She did nothing wrong I don’t know if I was manipulated too or just watched the show with my eyes closed but, I don’t remember her manipulating Jayce. I think she actually liked him and decided to give him a chance I mean look at him. If anyone is "bad" in this show (half the cast LITERALLY commit multiple crimes) it would be ambessa for causing a full on war because she just wanted power. ALSO that one person that smashed the Mel funko pop cause she wanted Caitlyn SHE WOULDN’T BE ALIVE IF MEL DIDNT SAVE HER!!!! RAH YALL MAKE ME MADDDD BROOO! I’m getting off track, I think to need to sleep

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