entry 1, I just moved back to where I used to live finally!!! but it seems like my friends don't really care anymore so it's like.... a new place ig? I did need a fresh start but sometimes I'll come crying because I feel like I'm so lonely... now that I'm older (15) my mom barley spends time with me I know other moms want their daughters to hang out with them but I feel like in my life it's the opposite I don't know my older sisters are you know older..... you know? they all have jobs and cars and boyfriends, so I really am lonely I wish I was a rich teen with a car already I just want to hang out with my mom though.... maybe it's just me and that's okay! I had a cool day at school today though I got side bangs, and I think they look so cute! at least I hope so...I'm planning on trying to read all my anime books I haven't read yet by the end of the year! anyway I should go ty for staying cuties! XOXO lulu:)

talking about life!
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