I finally switched to Linux!

Herlo and greetings if you are new to this page :)

Today I wanna talk about something that It's a little bit geeky but still you can enjoy and learn something new.

Well It all started from the day that I decided to try Linux, an operating system which is so much powerful, Easy, Customizable, and open source :D.

If you are a computer guy you know what I'm talking about. but if you are not imagine this as something that you can fully customize to whatever you need and make it your new home.

After using Ubuntu Linux for some years or maybe it's better to say WSL (Windows Linux Sub System), I used to do anything inside Linux terminal. it's better to say ubuntu because Linux is the actual kernel, that was a good time specially for a newbie like me to learn a lot about Linux shell and other important things of the Unix world. But there was something that was so annoying for me, I was using just the terminal and even that thing was limited and it was not the actual Linux for me. I think it's the same feelings for other people because it feels lilke you are running VM (Virtual Machine) to work with your Linux, well guess what? It's actually a VM lol. It's funny because one of the main reasons to use Linux is that you can customize *everything* not just you terminal environment.

With that said, one day I started to think about why I'm using windows? is there any reason to use Windows instead of Linux?, one of reason for me was that I don't want to spend so much time config my Linux distribution to work properly, but is it really something that makes me prefer Windows? idk.

In the nut-shell, I didn't find any reason to use Windows. I called my friend and said: "Hey I decoded to download and install fedora", and my friend said: "Oh really? I've always wanted to tell ask you why you don't use Linux when you are so fall in love with it?", and I said: "It's time to finally move to something new".

Fedora, like any other Linux distributions is a Linux base operating system which I heard that is stable, it doesn't need so much work to set it up and it's free (unlike Red Hat OS that its base bone), I tried Ubuntu as I said that it is another stable Linux base OS. btw there is so much Linux base operating systems and it doesn't matter which one you use, the valuable thing is that you are using *Linux*.

I downloaded the fedora, and made it bootable for my USB, then I booted it from my Grub and just followed the instructions and DUDE!, I installed fedora on my *real* hardware! How cool is that?

I removed my USB, rebooted the computer and I saw the beautiful logo of fedora.

Now you may ask: "well you said Linux needs so much configs to be proper for daily works, specially things like programming", well let me answer that, after that I actually use it for about 3 weeks.

I'm using fedora with just some of my favorite configurations, like my terminal configs, some gnome themes and my shortcuts for working with DE from my keyboard. that's it! that was all of my configs, it's easy to use because fedora provide has a lot of great programs as default, it doesn't occupied so much space and it doesn't install as a desert like environment. It's just something in the between, and that's great!

I will talk about other Linux related things like Bash, DE, DM, and, etc.

Thanks for reading this ❤️

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