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Category: Friends


i’m french so ignore the bad orthograph pls

i have a friend , i’ve known him for 3 and a half years now , i met him in 2022 at first i loved him he was like my best friend , sometimes he was a little defensive when we talked but everyone has bad days right ? so i didn’t mind. Fast forward to February 2023 he met a girl , she was 23 he was 16 we talked to him abt it and he didn’t care of what we were thinking , we met her 1 time and it was horrible he wasn’t himself anymore , i knew he was sad in his everyday life but here he was miserable and he acted like a child throwing a tantrum for everything. Months later he dissapears , his mom called me saying she was going to the police station to report him missing , turns out he was at this girls house 473km away from where we live , i had to lie to his mom multiple times for him abt it. Then he dropped school and went to live with her she was unemployed and was living off of her parents monthly payments to her. He became even sadder and i wanted to help him after all he was my friend. The first time i helped him dump her (she was abusing and manipulating him) he stayed two days at his place then went back , the second time i let him stay the night at my place cuz his mom was renting his place on Airbnb and there was people there , i let him stay cuz i was at my boyfriends house and my mom too so i let him come with two rules : don’t invite other people and don’t drink and smoke , he invited other people drank , smoked and even stole from me. He never apologised but i’m a people pleaser and never said anything…Then everything came back to normal, we made new friends, time passed we’re in 2024 and he met a new girl , this time she was 14 he was 18 he said she was 15 but she looked like a child with a sh*t ton of makeup on her face it was weird but everyone is very hypocritical and nobody said it to him face to face, they were always arguing but it was none of my buisness i didn’t want to help him this time. Then i made the biggest mistake of my life and me and my boyfriend broke up for 3 months , i know i made a mistake but he took advantage of it so now i was the horrible person and he was the coolest guy ever, i forgot to mention it before but when i met him first he didn’t even smokes and later he started to smoke and take hard drugs to look cool , he’s obsessed with the goodnight punpun manga and thinks its cool to have a miserable life. he became closer to my boyfriend (ex at the time) and then when i got back with him he was so angry because the only person who was with him all the time left , mind you that when he has a girlfriend he doesn’t care about others love life but when he doesn’t he’s jealous of me and my boyfriend. Fast forward to this year he was normal at first and stopped taking drugs , got a new job , fell in love with a coworker and the she dumped him , he became miserable again and started smoking weed and taking other drugs again , he talked to us in our groupchat about the fact that he wanted time for himself and wants to stop doing parties at his place (nobody cared because why would we stop him from taking time to get better) but then 2 days ago an other friend of mine had an argument with a guy on a discord server , we all got banned , in this server there was a guy lets name him Lucas , he’s a weird guy that was once our friend but not anymore he sa’ed me , he was forcing a girl to send him nudes and we found weird screenshots of underage girls on his discord , Lucas and my friend are still friends they play Valorant together everyday and my friend sees the bad in people only when he wants , he added Lucas in our server , we banned him. He started threatening us , if we ban Lucas one more time he leaves our friend group , so everyone listened to him and now they play with Lucas ignoring everything he did , even though some other friends of mine did a new server without them , now everything’s back to normal but not me , i’m so angry i hate him , he says he’s « Woke » and then mysteriously forgets about SA allegations against people if he likes them , i hate him so much and i don’t know what to do my friend group had a lot of Arguments and i don’t want any more of them i’m tired but so angry at the same time , if someone has advice i will take it with pleasure.. thanks for reading all of that <3

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