these were really fun... i remember doing a bunch of these when i was rly rly young and faking being a teenager on friendster (sorry i had too much unsupervised time on the internet...) so i thought it would be interesting to do this as an adult that's actually experienced things lmao!! i wish i could pull up my old surveys and see how my present experiences match up
About Me
Name: zoe
Nicknames: zozo, zo (i honestly don't like being called these but some friends insist)
Birthday: 19/08
Current location: singapore
Hair color: Black
Eye color: black
Tattoos: one butterfly on my back :)
Piercings: one lobe on each ear
Zodiac sign: leo & snake
Your best physical feature: i'm proud of my eyelashes (don't need falsies..!)
Love Stuff
Have you been in love before: yep
Have you had your heart broken: yepp
Have you knowingly broken someone else's heart: sorta kinda?!
Would you date someone outside your race: of course
Opposite Sex (im a lesbian so im just gonna answer Same Sex)
Hair color: any~
Eye color: any~
Height: ideally taller than me <3
First thing you notice (physically) about: smile... i like girls with kind smiles
Favorite cologne/perfume: idk any but i like floral scents?
Hot/cute: hot/intimidating girls with a cute side!!!
Type of pizza: hawaiian
Type of weather: sunny with some clouds & wind!
Colors: blue, green!
Food: anything with rice
Alcoholic drink: 7-11 strong zero kiwi flavour (super rare)...
Singer/group: too many but right now... red velvet
Ice cream flavor: cookies & cream
Vacation spot: beach
TV show: hard to choose... maybe game of thrones
Scent: flowers / fruits
Music: too many but my guilty pleasure rn are white girl confidence anthems
Season: never experienced real seasons so... summer...
Thing to do on a half day: nap
Late night activity: scroll twitter
City: i really enjoyed KL and wanna visit it again
Do you...
Smoke: yes
Drink: yes!
Drugs: no
Danced in the rain: yepp
Kissed in the rain: i think so i forgot
Cheated: nope
Been cheated on: lowkey probably
Kissed someone that wasn't single: i think one time during a party but platonically
Thrown your shoe at someone: nope
Do you believe in yourself: i try
Do you want to get married: yes and with 2 cats 1 dog.
Have you ever wanted to die: hahah...
Have you seen someone die: nope
Have you gone swimming in an ocean: yessss!! so fun
Do you like thunderstorms: when at home yep
Have you ever cried in public: girl yes so many times on the train
How long does it take you to shower: longer than average
Do you swear: ya
Can you sing: unfortunately no
Country you would most like to visit: anywhere that snows... japan maybe
Worst fears: eye trauma!!!! cant stand it
Items on your desk: laptop, seashells, stationery, my emotional support clairo water bottle
Things that scare you: abandonment...
This Or That
Dog or cat: both...
Comedy or horror: comedy~
Rap or rock: rock...
Reality or sitcom: reality~
Coffee or cappuccino: cappuccino is a kind of coffeee so like
Coffee or tea: coffee but im trying to change <3
Text message or phone call: texting... phone calls kinda scare me
Pool or ocean: ocean!!!
1% or 2% milk: idk the difference
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Sing or dance: sing!!! i suck at both but im worse at dancing i think
Sun or moon: moon~
Day or night: afternoon >:P
Jeans or shorts: jeans
Music or TV: Music!
Word Association
Yellow: seulgi LOL
Hot: coffee
Lipstick: sticky
Strawberry: silhouette...
Rose: toy (ijbol)
Memory: nostalgia
Mail: man...
Flip: that ~
Celebs: popbase
School: goodbye
Time: zone
if you made it this far~ congrats and thank u for reading!!! hopefully this was entertaining somewhat
enjoy this cupcake :3
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