I was a 7th grader, freshly out of a middle school that I hated to a prek-8th school. I was rather lonely for a while, and I had really bad social anxiety compared to now, so I relied on others to speak to me first. Anyway, I only had one friend from my past school, but two months after I moved, she changed her number, and I haven't spoken to her since.
In this new school, however, I was fairly lonely, but I was picked by a group of popular girls, but I needed and wanted friends, so I stayed with no complaints. In one of my classes, I had PE, and I had to change around some of them, but they sometimes picked on me because of my body or my clothes. Again, I just thought they were being funny because I had no other friends.
Anyway, one faithful day, I had to go outside for this PE class. The band teacher was absent, and there were no subs for him. The class had to join my class for the period. When we were outside just standing around because like I don't even run if I need to smh. I saw a girl who had half and half dyed hair like how I had mine. My hair was half natural dark brown and silver on the other side. where she had her natural half then red. I thought it was cool because we had matching hair, but I didn't say hi or wave. Eventually she walked over and we started talking, I honestly don't remember half of what we said but we had some similar things in common with daddy issues and our dads being in popular bands in the area. When the period ended I realized I never caught her name or number. She then vanished, I didn't find her outside after lunch, nor during lunch nor in the halls. i really thought I was loosing my shit lol.
Afew weeks to months later it was the other way round, when I had to go to her class because of the teacher situation with no sub. So I had to go into the band classroom while I think they had a sub too. I saw her again and we spoke ALLLLLL period. Finally this time I learned her name, (won't say it here) and I got her number. When she would actually answer and not be sleeping it was so fun!
In 8th grade I got her for a band 2 class. Our teacher from the last year left to a different school and we got a more young, unready guy. We honestly would goof off when we had to practice with this new teacher. We had gotten assigned a partner song and we had to practice at someone's house, I went over to her place. We quite literally played like 5 notes, then we said enough was enough and slumped down on her couch and spoke til I had to leave. That was now 4 years ago, and yes we have had some periods where we get to busy to even message each other but we can just bounce back and hang out like nothing. She is the best pooki and the only pooki I'll ever have. Her Spacehey is ༺♡ MANTIS ♡༻ you should go friend her
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༺♡ MANTIS ♡༻