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Category: Art and Photography

tomorrow - 𝘢𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘰𝘦𝘮

I’ll do it tomorrow. 

For now - i’m drained, down to my marrow. 

That strength will surely come, i’m certain! 

It’s right there, behind the curtain. 

It waits lined up with concepts i’ve been dying to unravel, Between, archaisms wobble with their eye sockets filled with gravel; 

I’m ought to dust them out, they just wait there for their turn - If the rust will gnaw me promptly, no one’s left for them to mourn. 

"'Tis a pity!" - you would say, 'bout ideas that turn stray, 

But can a being freely roam without truly nibbling drome? 

The curtain soaks in anticipation. 

The strenght’s yet to come i need for action. 

For now - i’m drained, down to my marrow 

And for all there is - i’ll do it 


poem & photography - made by me

music - "neuköln" by david bowie 

4 Kudos


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♫☆。cosmikapple。♫☆'s profile picture

This is incredible! It's very interesting to see a poem on that topic because as much as it is talked about lately, I never came across a writing piece on it. I love how you worded it.

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thank you so much for your response! i can't put into words how glad i am, i've been posting stuff on the internet for almost half of my life and i can barely recall someone voicing their thoughts about it in a manner of more than few words:)

exactly - it seems to me like this issue became just another goldmine-topic for all these huge creators. everyone mightily agrees that there's something wrong about their choices in general, yet i see the same groups of people admit it over and over again for years in the comments sections on the same social media platforms that are blamed the most... almost as if they confuse watching a "video essay" or reading an article with absolution. i remember there was a study on how much time exactly "in a moment" equals to (i think it was 90 seconds btw). how about a study on how many motivational yt videos are needed for an average person to change their habits?

by annois3; ; Report

Oh yeah totally! There are so much ytb videos supposed to change your mind with titles catching your eyes. And from my experience it nevers truly changes you. It opens something but it's a long work and process. It also feels like those videos that are made for you to get out of procrastination/phone addiction are made the same way as those destroying our spans. Catching title, a promise of a result etc.. The study you talked about would indeed be interesting to do

by ♫☆。cosmikapple。♫☆; ; Report