I thought i would make a blog talking about myself more because i dont know if its something to put in the general section of my page as i talk a lot and i just dont want a chunk of text there lol.
Anywayy i am lee im 6teen and english i live down south an 1hr away from london, tbh i have only been to london a few times and i actually hate it, i went to camden once and omg it was just boring?!? I dont know why but i just didnt think it was all that but it might be because i dress sorta boringly, usually just a jumper and jeans and maybe ill do up my hair i honestly cannot be bothered half the time lol and i would rather not get made fun of by little year 7, roadmen or chavs :/ they r actually so annoying lol.
At the moment i am in sixth form and for those who dont know what that is its a form of higher education in england between 16-18, and usually you do three or four alevels. I am doing history art and textiles and i aboslutly loveee ittt 💙💙💙 at school i have around 3 ish friends i think. I do talk to more people than that but i dont really hang out with them that much so idk if i should consider them friends i might ask them.
Also personality wise i am actually quite quiet and i struggle talking to people and i am trying to get out of that, the people i wanna find on here are people that are more outgoing and who talk a lot as it could help me get out of my quietness 🙏i hope
Also the music i listen too is a widee variety but to make it clear i absolutly love the jam!!!!!. I do sometimes listen to aiesha erotica, labi saffre, tribe 8 and the beatles, compared to everyone else on here my music taste is sorta random but whateves lol
Also im not very good at writing or even spelling soz, and also compared to everyone else on here i am very basic soz i live in england where like if your not like everyone else your instantly called an emo and sorta harassed depending on where you go and i do not like that expecially as i look small ppl think im an easier target and i know thats true bc i have actually been told that a few times lol. So i just dress how i want at home 🏡.
Hope im not too boring 😁😁😁
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lee lee
Also i want to meet all kind of people who have a different life to me because its always so intresting to me how there are literlly 7 billion people on earth all having completely different lives at yhe exact same timee!! - forgot to mention that lol