This section: Mainly to yap ab feelings and shit
Title: Her
She makes me feel annoyed.
I always feel like its my fault.
She always wants to stay inside,
Meanwhile i want to go outside.
She is very sensitive, and crys over stupid stuff.
I feel ashamed to be friends with her.
Title: Him.. Its Him.
He makes me feel oh so happy
I love him so much, he makes me smile so much
I love talking to him, and always wait everyday to talk to him
He is my love, and will always be my love.
Title: My Mama..
Mommy, I miss you.
When will you come back?
Will you ever come back? Will I ever see my mama again?
Mommy, I need you.. Please come back!
I miss colouring with you..
I miss seeing you during holidays, I wish you could still be here...
Mommy, I love you.
Title: Life
What is the meaning of my life?
To find friends on this platform?
To have everything go wrong?
I wonder this late at night,
Thinking, Whats the meaning of living?
Title: "Mother".
Shes not my mother.
Shes very scary sometimes
I cant tell her i think i autistic, or depressed.
Shed say "Why are you depressed" I dont know.
Or "How are you autistic? You dont act like it!"
I hate her, she make me wanna cry.
I want my real mama.
This Category: Disorders i do/think i have
Title: Binge Eating.
I eat and eat everyday
or i eat nothing
i feel disgusted of myself.
I wish i could be skinny.
I don't like being fat.
Can I please be skinny?
Title: ADHD
Sometimes i only wanna sleep or only lie in bed
Other times i wanna bounce around
It's very hard to focus
I wanna be in a fantasy world and never come back
but i'd miss my bed
I wanna be calm, but i can't.
Title: Autism
I see the world differently
I notice the small things
I notice the states of where licence plates are
or I stim when stressed
Light hurts my eyes, same with loud noises
Mother and Dad don't understand
Mama would though!!
I like seeing the world weirdly sometimes,
but other times i get in trouble..
Title: Anxiety
Oh no.
Where is it?
Did i lose it?
Did i forget it in the restaurant?
No no no
Mother will be ma-
oh. oh.
Im an idiot!
It was here the ENTIRE TIME..
at least im not in trouble and won't get grounded by..
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
These r rlly kewl, I’m glad u have an outlet 2 express ur emotions and struggles <33 that’s very important ~~ ^w^ I’m sorree 2 hear it’s so rough 4 u rn tho :c
and yah thnks, its mainly her (mother) she suckzzzz
but this is a super fun way 2 dump mai feelings!!!!1!1!!1
mai fav category has 2 b the disorders category!
btw da ones i do have is adhd nd anxiety ^_^
by lilie ^_^ (spaceheys number one silly goose!); ; Report
No problemo !!! <3333
by Sourdough4949; ; Report
hvdhdn i luv getting compliments yu made me smile sm dgvgvhdh
by lilie ^_^ (spaceheys number one silly goose!); ; Report
awwwww I’m glad I made u happi !!!! (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) <333333
by Sourdough4949; ; Report
by lilie ^_^ (spaceheys number one silly goose!); ; Report
Artemis | CEO of Vincent Charbonneau
Oh goodness this is really nice
Fym “can I have your talent” you already have your own... /lh
hffhhdkj TYYYY ^_^
by lilie ^_^ (spaceheys number one silly goose!); ; Report
leviachanfreaky781💉💌--(^ω^) 🌈🍋
cool >_<
by lilie ^_^ (spaceheys number one silly goose!); ; Report