Learning to code is not easy, and I keep seeing people being stubborn, and trying to find an easy solution to learn it. In this day and age, we have by far the most resources to learn how to write in CSS and HTML. Google, YouTube, Discord, etc. There's always a resource available to help you.
The issue is that people see all the work that goes into learning, and they become demotivated. Code is a foreign language. It takes time, dedication, and above all else, consistent practice. Just like speaking in Spanish or French can help establish the language. You can do the same with code. Even outside of Spacehey. Try downloading Notepad++ and Visual Code Studio and just mess around! Learn kinetically. Give yourself a goal like... Making a simple Wikipedia style page! Then, experiment. When you're stuck, do research and try again. And keep on trying until you make something you're proud of.
And you're not stupid for not knowing how to code. Especially in a day and age where the internet is easier than ever. You aren't raised knowing how to read code, just like you're not raised knowing a foreign language. Don't compare yourself to others. Many of the people coding here had been doing so for years. You just started. All that matters is YOUR journey. If you've learned anything at all, you've succeeded, no matter how big or how small.
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