william ☢'s profile picture

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Category: Life


the sun looks AWESOME right now .......... like itd be warm. ....... but its not its cold and windy

WHICH is also nice but i wwaant warrmth!!!!!!!!!!!!! the sun sets in liek half an hour. and this FLIPPING MOUSE IS HALF BROKEN!!! i keep trying to click things and it falls short & stopps working!!! time passes soooo fast 2..... i waz supposed to wake up EARLYISH 2day but slept in an hour cuz i was tired.......... anD THEN TOOK like a 2 or 1 hour nap ebncause i was STILL sleepy. maybe i work better on sleep lower than 9 or like... 12 maybe... TIME PASSES SOO QWUICK!!! ITS BEEN PROBABLY OVER HALF AN HOUR SINCE I GOT ON HERE!!!!!blegh................... william signign out..................

2 Kudos


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