I was caught playing on my 2ds at 5am by mother and got angry, she took it away, she also took my main phone (Samsung Galaxy Note 10+) and she also took all my money xc
It's fair because I'm failing college so badly (free studies btw). However it made me super sad because that moment I was taking care of myself for once and it took me so much time and courage to do so, and got it ruined xD
Reason why I stayed up so late is because I took a Lp Magnesium pill with Taurine at night (I forgot it had taurine xc) So now I'm stuck with my Blackberry Curve and my laptop :3
My opinion is that it's dumb to act this way with a 19 kid who is just struggling mentally
Ahaha I know nobody cares about me complaining xddd wrote this all so imma post It, else my efforts will got waste (they will anyway lolol)
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Thats a bit sad.
Btw,what was you playing?bid 3ds fan here
I got them back ^^
I'm mainly playing Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven lately, I'm really enjoying it (˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵)
I played a lot Mario Kart 7!!! I have mirror cups and time trials left to do, I play it online time to time
I also got many games that I tried but didn't focus on like Animal Crossing, Evian Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda, DK Country, Sonic Generations, and more!!
I also play Pushmo or Pullbox? to pass time mostly when in public transport
I'll go for Zelda next when I finish Lord of Magna!! (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)
What 3ds do you have?? and what games you got? ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )
by TweeTenshi; ; Report