Okay so um... hello. Welcome to my rant.
Okay, so what are you ranting about?
I am a viola player, and I've recently noticed that there's a lot of "hate" around playing this instrument. (Of course, I know that it's all jokes, but it still gives us a bad rep.) From my "research," I've figured that a lot of it comes from the fact that violas are "easier" to play. This comes not only from the fact that they are often assigned easier pieces, but also due to the fact that the violin has a smaller margin of error. Basically, it's easier to play the wrong notes out of tune. While this is true, the viola is also larger, and as a result, heavier. This means that it is more physically strenuous to play viola. As a result, the longer you play, the more tired you get, and when you're tired, you're more likely to make mistakes. Yes, this is very true, I did not fact check this. This means that playing for a long time on the viola would be more impressive than playing for a long time on the violin. Of course, violins do still get tired after playing for a long time, but its's less physically strenuous of an instrument.
In conclusion, viola would be equally as hard to play as the violin, if it didn't have easier pieces.
(I say all of this, acting like sitting in a chair and holding up a noise plank is a sport)
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