so lately ive been wanting to find more music to listen to. and i made a process to try and find stuff. its not that successful but its given me some results. i used 2 websites to do this. rateyourmusic and topster. if you message me i can do something like this for u too.
the album i started with was sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band (ive heard it so many times and i like pretty much all the songs, tho some i like more than others). after listening to all 13 of the similar albums i found 2 new albums i like, which were:
odyssey and oracle - the zombies
gorilla - bonzo dog doo dah band
im currently listening to the albums that r similar to odyssey and oracle but i havent found any that i like yet
album similarity is based off of the genre listed for the album and for the songs. for example, gorilla isnt that similar to sgt pepper as a whole, but it was listed as music hall on rym, which is what when im 64 is listed as.
if you want to try this process too, you can message me with an album you like (the more popular the better bc not all songs on rym have a genre listed, and if they do theyre not always too thought out) and ill give u list of albums u might also like.
im new to the website so idk if this is the type of thing ppl post here. srry if its not.
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