Okay, so before I get started I'm just gonna give a breif run down of a few things. In my school if you've done certian acts you'll get punishments such as being put in a isolated room for the day to do all your work on a computer, this is more formally known as isolation. However, there is an alternative of this called "refocus" which is practically the same thing but more layed back, allowing you to talk to the people around you and ocassionaly go out the room to go to the toilet, still as crappy but atleast it's something. You usually get put in refocus when the act isn't that worthy of a full on isolation sanction.
I am sitting here writing this blog now in the isolation room since the schools wifi suprisingly dosen't block this site with there "smoothwall" blocking policy, since I have nothing I would rather do I'm going to just write a blog about my experience at school that maybe 1 or 2 people will read bored out of there minds.
I was put into refocus at the start of the day, okay fine i'll suck it up and come to terms with it whatever. But I typically have a problem with being alone with teachers due to my horrible experience with them specifically inside of this school, as someone who's been to a total of 3 high schools throughout my years I can say I have a okay experience with a varity of different members of staff and this is the only school that I've ever had a problem with it's teachers, yes I had the occasional ones I disliked but not to the extent that it is here.
Thusfore, I was highly against the thought of being alone in a cramped room with teachers that know they activley make me feel uncomfortable. In the duration of the first 2 school periods it was going fine, better then I expected to even. I was luckily landed with a friend in a year above me, we were doing are work together and listening to music on the computer, until she leaves for quite a while to go put something back, much longer then it should typically take you.
At this point my worry had began to take place, I had no idea where she was and I was landed alone in the refocus room with a teacher I have a particular problem toward as she tended to come across as very forcefull to me. All I merley asked was if I could go see my friend in the room just a few steps of reach and she said not until I start doing my work, I said I would do it in the other room and bring the laptop with me and she said fine that's alright.
So I do just that, taking my laptop with me and sitting in the same room she was in, it's known as a sensory room where people are "rewarded" to go, but she literally said I could go sit with her then comes in and tells me to leave. But I had finally laid my head down and managed to get in some of the set work but she keeps on repetievly telling me to leave not giving me any space nor time to.
Therefore I don't comply, staying sat but still doing the given work until she asks me to go up to the isolation and talk with my head of year which in other words is the teacher that takes care off and sorts out all the buisness that goes on in the year I'm in, pretty simple concept.
I go up to the room and agree to chat with him and he forces me to try sit in the isolation room for the rest of the day to get me "back on track." Hold on, didn't my friend literally sit in the same room too, I didn't mention but she wasn't doing work to begin with and now I'm the one getting sent up to isolation for nothing but sitting in a room which fyi I said to my friend that we should move rooms before I was taken up to the isolation room.
With a bit of convincing I luckily manage to persuade my head of year into letting me return to the refocus room but what they failed to mention until I got there is that they would be seperating me from my friend, which I had a breakdown to. I did not want to do the work on the computers and I settled to ask to say hi to me friend merley to let her know I was back up in the same area as her as when I was taken up to the isolation room she whispered to me "please come back" so I wouldn't want her worriying because I knew if it was the other way round and she didn't come back I would definently start to worry.
So I approach the room and then a different teacher approaches asking me why I'm trying to go into that room and I put it into simple terms for her, then she literally says well I'm saying no and I'm above you. No you are not. We are all literal humans just because your a teacher it does not mean I follow your every command, yes you tell me what I have to do but I have free will, this teacher is extreme to the point she makes you feel like you have zero free will.
So we go pretty back to back at this point, arguing whilst I'm growing more and more annoyed but I manage to break through where she was blocking me from and speak to my friend, finally. We both decide to run away from the room we had now been trapped in half the day and obviously the only right descion for this stupid system was to get members of the schools safeguarding team to chase us around school, making us feel scared and pressured into doing what they asked.
We get pulled into a room where they ask us were the rest of the day is going to be heading and we say we want to be in the same room but they flat out refuse saying its whats best when we both equally exclaim we will do the work if we are placed in the same room together, they do not hear us at all and even interupt my friend saying "Can I give you a word of advice?" and she says no to the teacher yet she continues her said "advice" regardless. Then when she mentions a teachers name I interrupted her saying "who?" and she yells at me for interupting her, the hypocrisy in this school is next level why bellitle me for doing something that you just did towards a student literal seconds ago. I call her out on this and she sends me out with another teacher to send me to isolation, this teacher EVEN AGREES with me that the other teacher was being rude towards us.
Then I get taken to isolation and they tell me off for swearing, like seriously I am not in the wrong here jeez.. and my other friend got off scott free, yikes.
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