Moreee Boy stuff !! <3

Okay so, basically he's been giving me hints that he likes me and I totally like him too!! But.. while we were texting one time, he literally was trying to basically get me to ask him to be my boyfriend (Im guessing), But I don't wanna ask him!!! I want him to ask me DOIIII and so like, here's what happened in a tiny summary: We were texting, he said something that made me upset, he was like "NOOOO let me make it up to you I'll do anythingg", and I'm like; "Oh? Idk what I want, it doesn't matter anymore I'm not mad." (He was apologizing soo much), and then he kept asking me to pick something for him to do; "Ill do anything" he said, so I chose simple things "Buy me food^^" and stuff like that, then he keeps pushing it and I refuse to ask so I just dropped it and we chilled. Im so sad he goes to a diff school tho!! I wanna see him irl we go to schools in the same district we just go to the different ones :,(( OH!! And today he basically asked me on a date, so he's going out with his cousin and I'm like "Ohhh I wanna go out" and he's like "Ill take you somewhere this weekend" and Im like "yeah sure idk I'll see" (My parents usually find an excuse to keep me home.. </333 anyways that's the sich so far.. hopefully this can be my cutie boyfriend!! XOXO!! -Starz

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Bleemie's profile picture

I hope this is in the context of anther guy

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what does that mean?

by 5starr.V4mp; ; Report


by Bleemie; ; Report


by 5starr.V4mp; ; Report