Coca-Cola and kebabs are part of a secret plot by Big Beverage to increase soda sales. The theory goes like this: Certain kebab shops (especially late-night ones) use lower-quality ingredients or excessive sauces that might upset your stomach. But here’s the twist—some of these places are quietly encouraged (or even funded) by Coca-Cola to ensure that customers associate the post-kebab stomach trouble with anything but the kebab itself.
How does this work? Coca-Cola, with its high acidity and supposed "digestive aid" reputation, is marketed as the go-to drink to “fix” the discomfort. People chug it down to "settle their stomachs," reinforcing their dependence on soda. In reality, that same acidity might just be masking symptoms rather than solving anything, keeping people hooked on Coke every time they eat a greasy kebab.
Even deeper down the rabbit hole: Some claim that certain kebab joints might actually use phosphoric acid (an ingredient in Coke) in their marinades, making your body crave more Coke to "balance out" the meal.
Coca Cola im watching you 👁👁
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