Bear with me, man.
Okay, so random thought I had 3 days ago was to rewatch the entirety of Ultimate Spiderman (obviously I didn't do it in one sitting) just to get a small refresher of my nostalgia because from what I remembered it was a good show. Boy was I wrong and a little bit right . Now bare with me before you get defensive. Yes the character design and the art of that show is still used on merch and is still widely known. I get it if you like the show but please just let me state what I personally thought of the show. After rewatching the whole thing, I have to say. It was a bit annoying. Now before you get annoyed with me, let me state why. Drake Bell who voiced this Spider-man was personally not my favorite in the slightest. The whole show, he ends up sounding extremely lazy just trying to read off the script and waiting for easy money. But that's the whole issue, he's not a voice actor therefore he did a mediocre job the whole show. He's from a sitcom, trying to use that dry and sarcastic tone the whole show was a reason many didn't like it. I can agree on that, he hardly made Peter sound with emotion, for example if Peter was mad you couldn't really tell all the well because it felt like he was talking in the same monotone if not forced energetic voice. If they had gotten an actual voice actor that would have saved me the boredom
But he's not the only one- in the show Spiderman is selected to be apart of a 'team' and is chosen as team leader due to his hero experience. Not only do we never really get to see the team get along (only near the end but it was rushed and sloppy) but Peter was a major pushover the whole show! His teammates did NOT like him in the slightest. Always quick to make fun of jab at him, no one ever sided with him and he was always ganged up on. Seriously, he hardly makes an effort in this show to be an actual leader and is more of co-pliot. His team mates are extremely selfish and push him around. His team consisting of White Tiger/Ava Ayala, Iron Fist/Danny Rand, Power Man/Luke Cage, Nova/Sam Alexander. Most of their actors only have one feature in a movie and or short appearance (Geez why couldn't this show just get real actors) One episode depicted them all purposefully ignoring and brushing off Spiderman. He never catches a break and always ends up catching strays. Not to mention this show had a poor sense of humor. Some of the jokes were a bit annoying and fell flat at times. Spiderman had this consistent joke of breaking the fourth wall and it got so annoying quickly because he would sum up, exactly what you just watched. It got repetitive.
This show does have some plus sides (I guess) the only redeeming quality this show had to offer was their own take on the Spider-verse, depicting Spiderman (Peter) going into different dimensions trying to prevent Green-goblin from stealing other Spidermen (Yes their was mainly men and don't even get me started on this version of MJ.) The side characters such as scarlet, miles ended up being more engaging and more likable then the main Spiderman. (I personally liked Webslinger) Not to mention this show was centered around introducing Spiderman into the marvel universe and had many cross over episodes. I personally think that those episodes weren't too rough to watch. Spiderman was had different bonds with each character and saw them differently. He had only respect for Captain America and idolized him, He utterly hated wolverine and couldn't stand him, Deadpool was weird to Spiderman and so on so fourth.
But that's my main issue. I personally really loved Spectacular Spiderman and the show was amazing, it had arcs and acutal character development and growth. Most of the characters were so stale in ultimate Spiderman, MJ literally was so useless in this show. Her and Peter had no romance in this show (which is fine) but they completely forget about her up until the Web Warriors era. Which she just got thrown into the mix so she wasn't utterly useless. Agent venom (which he also gets thrown into the mix) feels way to rushed and it felt like they shoved him in so they could sell him into the Web warriors toy-line they produced. Most of the characters were really sloppy. Not to mention we could see several episodes were Peter is purely in the suit. Did the creators forget about Peters double-life? Sure this was the first show/ media that depicted Aunt may knowing about his identity but keeping that logic was so out of place. He literally started living in a whole different place, WITHOUT telling aunt may in the slightest. They don't even make her care nor acknowledge that whole plot-hole.
In conclusion, I see why people liked this show but who want's to sleep in a city that never wakes up, blinded by nostalgia. (Sorry had to make a reference there.) I seriously didn't think it was too god awful of a show, sure there was some joked that earned a slight chuckle or that I quote sometimes. Sure. but all those issues really drag the show. They didn't even stick to the whole comic lore of Ultimate Spider-man. If they had implemented some of those elements, fix these issues and overall had a better script as a whole I felt like this show wouldn't have been half bad. But as one of the longest running Spiderman shows, it really brings down the name. Choosing quantity over quality is what makes this show so dragged on and a rather big annoyance. Don't get me wrong it wasn't as half bad as I remembered it but those issues really make me annoyed of this show. Other than that it was alright, could have been way better.
Thank you for listening to me rant. I appreciate it.
("I just webbed my shorts!")
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