Me and my boyfriend where talking last night about sending nudes right this came up because he jokingly suggest the he sent a dick pic yk and i refused to open it at all. And then I said how i dont think i would ever send nudes because im not confident and it makes me uncomfortable right. So then he started like saying the if i did ask he would send and i kinda explained how like the most i would do it bra and thong even tho i dont own any but i was emmbarased and then as well he said that him and his ex did that but not in a presuring way i think idk but like yeah and he said because he was comfortable with her and then he went kinda dry and he hasnt really been texting me and didnt say i love you back to me and like i get it was kinda late but like idk if he was tired orĀ i dont want this to be the end of our relationship but like i also dont want to do this and he said he wouldnt force me but like im kinda scared he will and as well we have been dating for 5 months now and our relasionship really is so slow because neither of us have the confidence and as well he left his ex right and said she was kinda crazy and had bad mental heath but i do to and i wont tell him cause like i feel bad and dont want anything to add to him and hes like really nice tho but idk what to do yk? but like

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