Hi chat, it's me Silver. You dont know who I am, and that's ok cus I'm here to tell you!!! :D
I'm a short story writer, voice actor, and an artist! At this point in time I'm writing chapter one of my story "We Will Hurt" Which I'll talk more about later. For the time being I kinda just want to talk about myself for a moment, I'm a young person living in the shit thing called "USA", if I could I would leave but that's a bit hard. I have an odd random mix of music, like idk what to call it. I love Bsd, jjk, mha, and some others but those are like the main ones that people know a lot, idk that's kinda it lmao :P
I'm going to call all of you Gummy worms btw
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Mercy ×^×
HII BMF?? We have lots in common actually