it's been a while since i've been on here, was struggling to find the motivation to blog when my life was so boring. just nerding out over video games & keeping up the work on the you-toob. but i'm back now & i hope i can entertain some new ppl with my blogs ^_^
i think eventually i'll flex my media/video game collections etc. i am VERY passionate abt my collections lately. plus it just feels right to do :3 plus i've heard a lot of people on this site are into that kinda thing.
i'm thinking of updating the code on this profile but idk if i have the patience for that at the moment. at this moment i'm splurging on whatnot & pampering my brain with chaotic youtube videos to play in the background of my youtube work. just another tuesday i love tuesdays (angela moment). also really looking forward to finding a job before the new month starts. biggest april fools joke i ever pulled right ahahahahah-
i hope whoever you are readin this that you are taking time to occupy yourself with things you really really like & taking care of yourself <3 CIAO!
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