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Category: Life

I Love Satoru

I love satoru, satoru is life. You know what makes me mad? When people mistake it for satoru gojo. It's a non issue, but it's enough for me to go grrrr, even though i know gojo is the more popular of the two. Enough of that though, the moment satoru came into my life i immediately fell in love. Maybe it was his cute eyes, or maybe it was his simple yet charming hair? Yes it's not the most interesting of designs, but it plays a crucial part in his role as a "normal" person in contrast to randal. Some people might say im glazing him, but really im just picking apart things i love about perfection itself. That's what satoru is, perfection. He is an angel in this world, he knows no fears. Satoru died on a dream plane for you, he defeated death, he defeated your sins. He did this for you, he gave us the grace of being in his presence. He is often mischaractetized as a yandere, and is why most self shippers hate satoru. Cause he, "gets in the way" of them and randal. Im here to say as a public defender that satoru did nothing wrong and that he pleads innocent. Your honor, he might be a little bit of an extremist when it comes to randal, but whose to say it wasn't casual? And, can you really blame him? Look at his cute face. Just look at it. Absolute cutie. Infact, he deserves more than randal. He deserves the world. Satoru is the epitome of perfect and no one can convince me otherwise. May The Girls' & Captainhowdie™ themselves strike me down if im wrong. You can't deny he's a well written character. He's a mirrored version of randal. A more passionate, fleshed out, normal, version of that stinky randal. What i would give to make satoru real.. everything. He is my light, my savior, my reason to live, my son, my everything, my precious baby boy, my motivation to wake up in the morning, my friend – the one who will stick beside me no matter what, my blooming child, my rose, my love.. the list goes on. No words can describe how much he means to me. On numbers too, nothing compares. What type of monster could EVER hate him..? He is just.. perfect. Yes, that's what he is. Perfection in a vessel. His cute smile, his perfect anime boy eyes, his dashing wardrobe, and most importantly – his personality. "Not all men" you're right, satoru would never. May all satoru haters die in flames. Satoru tsukada is life, satoru tsukada is love. Amen. Spread the word.

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