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Category: Friends

this is the part two to my earlier blog

so basically I had thought that after me and E had broken up that me and T would still be friends so I had vented to her about how I was feeling and some of the shit that E did and how I was a mad. it turns out that she had a grudge against me and she had told E about what I had said to her and then E started saying shit about me. at that point I had tried to forget about E and I tried to be friends with T because I had really loved our friendship and I missed her a lot. she still refused to talk to me so I gave her space then when I had started kinda being friends with E he had let it slip that she said stuff about my musical talent. this really hurt me because I had been playing electric Bass and singing for five years and I would say that I'm pretty good. she had been playing guitar for about one year and I had always supported her so yeah hearing that she said that hurt. I decided to stop trying to talk to her and I only really send her reals on insta. I still was trying to be friends with K so I decided to go to one of their shows to see them play. after the show I had gone to K's house to hang with her. the whole time she was acting weird and after a while she had told me that she needed to tell me something. I told her to tell me and it turns out that she had liked E. I told her that it was ok and she could get with him because I didn't want the drama if I had told her I was uncomfortable with it. we just kept on hanging out but then she texted E and told him about her feelings. I know I said that it was ok but I didn't think that she would do it right then and I had kinda hurt me. he had texted her back this whole paragraph about how he would hurt her and how he didn't like her (I wish I got a paragraph telling me that he was going to hurt me and thank God they didn't get together because I don't know where I would be right now). later that night I had gone home and typed a paragraph on how I was mad at him and how I felt and again he had told me that I was twisting his words so I kinda stopped trying. I know they sound bad but I just want my friends back and I swear they're better than this most of the time.

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