
mannn, writing papers is so much harder than taking a test. I literally got like 10 points taken off bc of how shitty my grammar was

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Same, i hate writing papers. Im not good at writing prose and stuff I'd rather do work with one definitive correct answer rather than one thats objective or just based around the style of writing or opinion.

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i have this HUUUGE paper due on thurs where i have to do a lyrical and story analysis on Sk8er Boi X((. its so hard to find sources for it LEL

by [MU] megaUfologist; ; Report

That actually sounds fun, papers I've done have been on topics i could care less about like politics and why fish has saved early civilizations. Only one I've had fun doing was one on cave salamanders I like those blind guys

by JustAlex; ; Report

It is fun! I just wish I didn’t have to connect it with greek writing styles like Hubris and fate XDD

by [MU] megaUfologist; ; Report

As everyone knows Avril Lavigne has ties to greek texts and philosophical ideals

by JustAlex; ; Report