I hate being socially awkward so much,, I wish I could articulate myself properly and say things the way I intend to say them . I'm left dumbfounded a lot of the time and as soon as I figure out what to say it's far too late to say it so I just..,, keep my thoughts 2 myself. And sometimes I just blurt things out without even thinking about it.. It never ever ends well . Listening to the conversations my friends have is much better than participating in them I think.. At times I should just stay quiet but Wheres the good in that ?? I reaaalllyy need to practice speaking to people ..

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So relatable that i m cryin in corner

I 1000% can relate to this. Sometimes I blur out a completely different topic of conversation and then silence follows it because nobody can really follow my process of thoughts. My face immediately heats up too and I want to leave the room LOL
I think forcing yourself to talk will help to overcome the awkwardness and also not listening to acquaintances etc. The more confident you are, the less you will worry about being awkward ig